
You may be wondering why I have a Privacy section of this site when I do not collect any information about you. The problem is though, that I do. You know what I can collect?

That last bullet point is a bit iffy. If it doesn't show up, it is the first six digits of your phone number, if you even have one. How does this happen? Well, basically what I do is collect your IP address, which is in a way the address of your computer (where we send stuff to) and then send that to an online service which finds out all this stuff for me. A lot of sites use it actually, to figure out if the information given to them matches up with what it "should be" and basically is used to to help verify data and generally protect you from theft. But what the fuck is up with knowing my phone number and LAT and LONG?

Like I said, it's all a bit iffy. First off, the IP address given isn't actually your computer's address; it's actually the address of the server your ISP uses to talk to your specific computer, which is usually the nearest one to you. This means that while it isn't pinpoint accurate, it's good enough to figure out which city you live in usually, as well as area codes and metro codes, which is how I figure out your phone number; the first six digits are the area code and metro code, respectively.

However, this is also what a website can do with this info. If a person get a hold of your specific IP address, they can wreak all kinds of information havok on you, and can get a lot more specific information on you. If they know what they're doing, they can get into your computer remotely using break-testing software, otherwise known as vulnerability finders, and then REALLY mess with you. While researching what I could do from a webpage perspective, I found out how to remotely access someone's webcam. In a youtube video. For the public.

Think about that for a second. Anyone can watch that video.

So what do I do with your data? Nothing, because I don't have my own database set up for one, and for two, I don't want to keep that information. The above information is dynamic, real-time generated information, which means that I personally have no idea what your actual values are. I can't speak on behalf of the service I use to generate that information, but I can tell you that I have zero information on you.

But it is fun to scare you like that. Stay safe.